Home sweet home

Home owners' support, protection and voice

We make sure that home owners are not forgotten in national decision-making.

About us

Joining the Home Owners' Association is worth it!

Not only do you support the cause, but by showing your membership card you can quickly get your membership fee back!

Our discounts (in Finnish)

We prevent damage

We are internationally proactive. Just as it isn’t wise to wait for pipes to break, the promotion of interests should also be handled beforehand.

Part of a bigger picture

We look after your interests!

The majority of Finns dream of living in their own home. The Home Owners' Association works to ensure that this is possible and affordable both now and in the future. Furthermore, we ensure that home owners are not forgotten in  national decision-making.

The Finnish Home Owners' Association actively raises important topics onto the table concerning life and taxation as well as housing and building costs. The association influences decision-making by motions and issuing statements.

Membership is worth it

The annual membership fee varies a little between the local organisations, the median being around EUR 25. Home insurance can cost several hundreds of euros - but as a member you can receive a hefty discount. And that's not all - we have plenty of other benefits and discounts for you to enjoy!

  • National and international lobbying for your benefit
  • "Omakoti" magazine (in Finnish) four times a year
  • Home maintenance book
  • Local activities
  • Variable advisory services (only in Finnish)
  • Discounts and benefits from various companies
  • And lots more!

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