The majority of Finns dream of living in their own home. The Home Owners’ Association works to ensure that this is possible and affordable both now and in the future. Furthermore, we ensure that home owners are not forgotten in  national decision-making.

The Finnish Home Owners’ Association actively raises important topics onto the table concerning life and taxation as well as housing and building costs. The association influences decision-making by motions and issuing statements.

Home owners’ associations across the country gather like-minded small house dwellers who care for the single-family house lifestyle, a clean and safe living environment, and their fellow residents.

The fundamental job of the associations is the local promotion of interests, but there are plenty of side activities organised by the associations, such as voluntary clean-up parties, plant and flower exchange days, and interesting excursions.

The Finnish Home Owners’ Association is an umbrella organisation for the local associations. As the local associations work the ground level locally, the roof organisation lobbies on the national and international level on the preparation and development of legislation and amendments.

We work in committees and work groups, offering our expertise input for legal initiatives and change.

Isä ja poika maalaavat aitaa keltaiseksi

The annual membership fee varies a little between the local organisations, the median being around EUR 25. Home insurance can cost several hundreds of euros – but as a member you can receive a hefty discount. And that’s not all – we have plenty of other benefits and discounts for you to enjoy!

  • National and international lobbying for your benefit
  • ”Omakoti” magazine (in Finnish) four times a year
  • Home maintenance book
  • Local activities
  • Variable advisory services (only in Finnish)
  • Discounts and benefits from various companies
  • And lots more!

Please join by sending your name and address by e-mail to, by phoning 09-680 3710 or by filling our membership form (in Finnish)

The Finnish Home Owners’ Association is a politically independent lobbying and service organisation for those living in single-family homes. The Association aims to promote lifestyle interests for all single-family home dwellers. Most members live in detached houses, but some live in semi-detached, duplex, terraced, row houses or townhouses as well. A considerable number of members also have a holiday home.

The Finnish Home Owners’ Association is the only national lobbying organisation in its field. We want to protect our members from increasing taxes and other burdens laid on single family housing. The number of members is continuously increasing, already reaching over 74 000 homes. We invite you to join us, because every new member increases our possibility to speak out for good, reasonably priced detached housing.

Our job is to influence the decision makers – Parliament, Ministries, and other organisations preparing regulations. The Association makes initiatives, issues statements, and contacts decision-makers. No one else does this work for us!

You can provide your input in supporting the single-family housing lifestyle by joining one of our 250 local Home Owners’ Organisations. With your help our strength increases further. You can also easily save enough money to cover your membership fee by taking advantage of our many membership benefits. 

Come and join us!

The Finnish Home Owners’ Association is the only national operative on housing issues. We promote home owners’ interests and offer our services throughout the country. The Home Owners’ Association is politically unattached and has about 74,000 members through 250 local associations.

Together with its local associations, the Finnish Home Owners’ Association provides members with information and counselling, helping its members to care for their homes and environment. The long-term goal is to raise appreciation for small housing in both local and national decision-making.

Our goals are to

  • make the voice of the people heard by promoting civil activity
  • ensure that the living costs and obligations of home owners are reasonable and fair.
  • promote small house maintenance through knowledge and info on renovation, major overhaul and building.

The local promotion of interests is directed at local councils. It’s about the comfort, health and safety of residential areas – things that affect living in single-family housing on a daily basis as well as the living environs.

The associations act as representatives when it comes to city planning and zoning, and are often asked to share their views of developments being planned.

The associations can also make motions to promote small housing.  Municipal costs and fees in addition to property tax significantly influence small house living.

Puinen pienoismalli kaupungista
Ilmakuva kesämökistä järven rannalla.

Because EU-regulations leave only very limited room for national interpretation, it is important to be on top of upcoming regulations and changes. Therefore, we are actively taking part in the early decision-making process on the international level, and making the voice of Finland’s small house dwellers heard.

EU regulations reach into various sectors of life more intensively than ever before. Of these sectors, energy, global warming, housing, building and consumer positions are right in the centre of operations for the Association. 

In the coming decade, energy efficiency demands and exhaust regulations are going to get tighter, and the effects of global warming policies on small housing are going to increase. These decisions are based on Finland’s international treaties.

Housing in general and heating costs in Finland differ greatly from those in southern Europe, and this is why we need to be around the decision-making table, to tell our view.

Nordic co-operation

We keep regularly in touch with our Nordic brother associations – the Swedish and Norweguan home owners’ associations Villaägarnas Riksförbund and Huseiernes Landsforbund.

Through an exchange of experiences and ways of working, we get new ideas and perspectives that benefit all parties.

Part of UIPI

Being part of larger coalitions like the International Union of Property Owners (UIPI) and benefiting from the co-operation of the Nordic brother organisations, we are able to receive crucial information beforehand and are thus able to make initiatives early on in the process. International co-operation is the way to knowledge and results.

The Finnish Home Owners’ Association has been a member of UIPI since 2014. UIPI speaks for 1.5 million private home owners and 3.5 million private landlords within 30 individual member associations from 28 different countries (Finland included).

Mission of UIPI

The mission of UIPI is to protect and promote the interests, needs and concerns of homeowners and landlords on the national, European and international levels.

Based in Brussels, UIPI represents its members with a view towards EU institutions. It monitors developments at the EU level and seeks to influence EU legislation and policies which have an impact on real estate, the building sector, private-rented sector and property rights. UIPI also works to defend and support the property sector in an increasing number of international fora.

Perhe heittelee frisbeetä omakotitalon pihalla koiransa kanssa.